Thursday 1 September 2011

No Psychic Needed

        Have you ever wondered what the future holds for you? have you ever asked yourself “Who I’m going be? What’s going to happen to me?” Maybe you have even gone as far as to visit a psychic to get some answers.

Your psychic closes her eyes to inwardly access your supposedly “karmic archive” and delivers you her best answer. Is it the truth? In moment of fear for our life we often go see such people.

But remember Your Truth will set you free!
(Just a little twist on this one, but it is still true.)

What do you think? Let’s face it we often don’t want to sit down and look at the truth: that we are choosing XXX zillions of time every day what’s going on in our life. We often say yes to things we don’t want and no to things we would like. It is confusing at best.  I know there are lots of influences out there and there are loads of different life options to choose from. But the bottom line is that we make the final decisions, we do the choosing so you can choose again.

One of the things I came across that helped me choose again is reading somewhere:  “You are either Loving right now or you are Fearing something.” WOW! It was a frightening revelation to me. I tested it. I liked the simplicity of it and I decided to grab my mind and asked that question several times a day. Gosh I discovered I feared so many things, so many situations, so many people I could not believe it. It was no peace at all in me. So I started to take control of my thoughts. I wanted to come from love, not fear.

Today I still watch my thoughts as they create my reality. I want to create or rather co-create more love around me. I’d like to share with you a very powerful exercise I do from time to time. It’s like taking inventory of where you are at. It might help you to choose again. Just ask your self these questions and write down as fast as you can the answers that come up before reading the next question. NO psychic needed here just your truth.

If things in my life stay exactly the same as now what would my life be like in 5 years from now?

Who would I be?

What would I be doing?

Now take a moment to write down how you feel about that.

Take your time answer fully these questions.
Next Question:

If my life in 5 years from now was exactly as I would like it to be; I’m the best me possible and things around me are mirroring my liveliness, my joy, my sense of humour and my gratitude….my fulfilment.

Who would I be?

What would I be doing?

Take a moment to write down how you feel about that.

Take your time answer fully these questions.

Choose ONE simple action that you can take today to go in the direction of your choice.

Jeff Olson the author of “The Slight Edge, Secret to a Successful Life” says success doesn’t happen overnight but over time by repeating simple actions over and over. And to double your rate of success you have to double your rate of failure.  So don’t let Fear get the best out of you. Fail, it is part of the game. I also know we all had experiences in our life that puts us on our guard. We don’t want these to happen to us again. Understandably. Learn from and forgive the past so it can stay there, in the past. Choose again, and again and again. Choose to live in the present, and starting today, add one simple action that you commit to do consistently to bring success in your life.

Hope you enjoy this post.
Please share it.
Be the best of you,


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